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Setup Non HA Kubernetes using K3S

· 9 min read
Tukang Ngoprek

Last Update: 25 February 2025



Non-HA Control Plan Setup and Configuration

Non HA Control Plane Kubernetes

The implementation Scenario will be configured:

  • 1 Master Node
  • 2 Worker Node

These three nodes will be deployed in Proxmox VE, with each specification of node:

  • 4 vCPU
  • 16 GB of memory
  • 50 GB of storage
  • Ubuntu 20.04

Step by step

VM Setup

  1. Update and upgrade the package repository to the newest version.

    sudo apt update -y
    sudo apt upgrade -y
  2. (optional) rename and set /etc/host for each node became:

    1. Master node → kube-master-1
    2. Worker node → kube-worker-1, kube-worker-2
    #edit /etc/hosts and add this at the end of file (adjust ip address) kube-master-1 kube-worker-1 kube-worker-2
  3. Reboot to finalize the upgrade and apply the hostname.

  4. Install docker with this script (Docker: Install using the conveniencescript)

    curl -fsSL -o
    sudo sh
  5. Check docker command and version

    docker ps
    docker version

    Check Docker Version

Master Node Setup

  1. Defined the K3s token. Save this token and make sure this token is the same for all nodes

    export K3S_TOKEN=kubernetesdemo123
  2. The installation of master node, using this script:

    1. install the server as master node
    2. disable Traefik for ingress → will use Nginx ingress
    3. disable Servicelb → will use MetalLB
    4. disable local-storage → will use Ceph CSI
    5. declare to use docker
    curl -sfL | sh -s - server --disable traefik --disable servicelb --disable local-storage --docker

    K3S Installation

  3. Check the service status, make sure it is active

    systemctl status k3s.service

    K3S Master Node Status

  4. Check kubectl command. It will display 1 node only (which is the master node).

    kubectl get node

    Get Node Information using kubectl

    ⚠️ if the get error unable to read /etc/rancher/k3s/k3s.yml , you can fix with this step.

    mkdir .kube
    sudo cp /etc/rancher/k3s/k3s.yaml .kube/config.yaml
    sudo chown $USER:$GROUP .kube/config.yaml
    export KUBECONFIG=~/.kube/config.yaml

    or if you have not start the installation, you can add --write-config 644 in the end of the script, like this:

    curl -sfL | sh -s - server --disable traefik --disable servicelb --disable local-storage --docker --write-config 644

Worker Node Setup

Do this step for all the worker node, in this scenario will be kube-worker-1 and kube-worker-2.

  1. Defined the K3s token. Use the same token as defined in master node.

    export K3S_TOKEN=kubernetesdemo123

    ⚠️ If you forget the token on the master node, you can check and on the master node on this file. Copy all the string.

    cat /var/lib/rancher/k3s/server/node-token
  2. The installation of worker nodes, using this script:

    1. install the server as worker node (agent)
    2. declare to use docker
    3. define the server endpoint to master node ip or domain
    curl -sfL | sh -s - agent --docker --server https://kube-master-1:6443
  3. Check the service in the worker nodes

    systemctl status k3s-agent.service

    K3S Worker Node Status

  4. Check kubectl command in master node. Now, it will display more than 1 node (which is the includes all the installed worker nodes).

    kubectl get node

    Get Nodes Information using kubectl

⚠️ If you stuck in when starting k3s-agent. Make sure worker node and master node can be connecting. it could be firewall, proxy server, or incorrect/mismatched MTU. Script below can be use for check the connectivity.

curl -ks https://ipaddress:6443/ping

Install and Configure services in the Master Node

Because we disable some service in the master node. Now we are going to install it the replacement services.

HELM - Package Manager Installation

  1. Install Helm using script below (the latest script can be seen on the Helm docs):

    curl | gpg --dearmor | sudo tee /usr/share/keyrings/helm.gpg > /dev/null
    sudo apt-get install apt-transport-https --yes
    echo "deb [arch=$(dpkg --print-architecture) signed-by=/usr/share/keyrings/helm.gpg] all main" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/helm-stable-debian.list
    sudo apt-get update
    sudo apt-get install helm
  2. Check the version

    helm version

    Check Helm Version

MetalLB - Load Balancer Installation and Configuration

Load Balancer Diagram


  • As default, all resources in Kubernetes are isolated, specifically pods.
  • Pods are isolated by default. To enable communication between pods or with the external network, you need to configure Services.
  • There are several type of service:
    • ClusterIP → Default services, ClusterIP services provide an internal IP address within the cluster that other pods can use to communicate. They are not directly accessible from outside the cluster.
    • NodePort (Port 30000-32767) → NodePort services expose a port on each node in the cluster, allowing external access. The port range 30000-32767 is the default range.
    • LoadBalancer → LoadBalancer services provision an external load balancer that distributes traffic to multiple pods.

Installation Step by Step

  1. Add metallb repository to helm

    helm repo add metallb
  2. Check the repo list

    helm repo ls
  3. Search the metallb

    helm search repo metallb

    Search MetalLB in Helm

  4. Pull the metallb from the repository, it will download tgz file.

    # run this in the home dir or other directory
    helm pull metallb/metallb
    # extract the tgz
    tar xvf metallb-*
  5. Change directory to metallb and if there any configuration changes, you can edit values.yaml

    cd metallb

    vim values.yaml
  6. Install metallb using helm

    • Set the chart name to metallb
    • Define the file to values.yaml
    • Put the namespace to metallb-system
    • Enable debug mode
    • Create metallb-system namespace
    helm install metallb -f values.yaml . -n metallb-system --debug --create-namespace
  7. Check the status, if the status still init, wait until running.

    kubectl -n metallb-system get all
    kubectl -n metallb-system get pod -w

    Get All using kubectl


  1. First, define the address pool on ipaddresspool.yaml

    kind: IPAddressPool
    name: default-pool
    namespace: metallb-system
    - #adjust this range
  2. Apply the configuration

    kubectl apply -f ipaddresspool.yaml

    Apply IP Address Pool using kubectl

  3. Then, we define the L2 Advertisement config on l2advertisement.yaml

    kind: L2Advertisement
    name: default
    namespace: metallb-system
    - default-pool
  4. Apply the configuration

    kubectl apply -f l2advertisement.yaml

    Apply L2 Advertisement using kubectl

Test the Load Balancer

  1. Run demo app for the testing, the demo app using nginx image.

    kubectl run app-demo-1 --image=nginx --port=80

    #check the pod status, wait until running
    kubectl get pod
  2. Since by default pod cannot communicate to outside, we need to create the service to expose the pods.

    kubectl expose pod app-demo-1 --type=LoadBalancer --target-port=80 --port=80 --name app-demo-1

    #check the pods and services
    kubectl get all

    Get All using kubectl

  3. You can access the app using EXTERNAL-IP of service/app-demo-1 and Nginx landing page will show up.

    Access External IP

Nginx - Ingress Controller Installation and Configuration

Ingress Diagram

Installation Step by Step

  1. Add nginx repository to helm

    helm repo add nginx-stable
  2. Check the repo list

    helm repo ls
  3. Search the nginx

    helm search repo nginx
  4. Pull the nginx-ingress from the repository, it will download tgz file.

    # run this in the home dir or other directory
    helm pull nginx-stable/nginx-ingress
    # extract the tgz
    tar xvf nginx-ingress-*
  5. Change directory to nginx-ingress and edit values.yaml file.

    cd nginx-ingress

    # edit values.yaml
    vim values.yaml

    # locate ingressClass and change the variable below to true
    setAsDefaultIngress: true
  6. Install nginx-ingress using helm

    helm -n ingress install nginx-ingress -f values.yaml . --debug --create-namespace
  7. Check the installation

    kubectl -n ingress get all

    Get All Ingress using kubectl

  8. The EXTERNAL-IP is available and reachable, but since no resources use it, it display 404

    Access External IP but Not Found

Testing the Ingress

  1. Add bitname repository to helm

    helm repo add bitnami
  2. Check the repo list

    helm repo ls
  3. Search the nginx, we will use bitnami/nginx for the webserver nginx

    helm search repo nginx
  4. Pull the nginx from the repository, it will download tgz file.

    # run this in the home dir or other directory
    helm pull bitnami/nginx
    # extract the tgz
    tar xvf nginx-* #make sure the nginx not nginx-ingress
  5. Change directory to metallb and edit values.yaml file.

    cd nginx

    # edit
    vim values.yaml

    #locate these variables
    enabled: true
    hostname: nginx.demo.local # make sure this FQDN is pointing to the ingress IP
    ingressClassName: "nginx" # check using `kubectl get ingressclass`
  6. Install metallb using helm

    helm -n demo install demo-app -f values.yaml . --debug --create-namespace
  7. Check the status, if the status still init, wait until running.

    kubectl -n demo get all
    kubectl -n demo get ingress

    Get All and Ingress using kubectl

  8. If you configure the FQDN in DNS or /etc/hosts correctly to ingress IP address, it will show like this

    Access using FQDN

CEPH CSI - StorageClass Installation and Configuration

StorageClass Diagram

TODO - i don't have CEPH cluster yet 🙈